Directory Website
Aspen Kids Guide

The Client
Kids First
Kids First is an early childhood resource center that supports quality, affordable childcare choices in Aspen, Pitkin County, CO. Boomerang Marketing worked with them to create a website with a searchable directory of activities, child care, camps, and more.
Partner Listings
We created a system for partners to easily list their businesses in the online directory. Partners can register their own account and then submit listings through an easy form. Listing are then approved by an administrator before appearing on the site.
Detailed Search and Filter
Partner listings are organized into categories, with each category having options to filter listings, such as age, location, and type.
Events Calendar
A calendar than can be viewed by month, week, or list style. Partners can submit events to be listed on the calendar, which are then approved by administrators.
Community Partners
Organizations that want a listing in the directory can create and edit their own accounts. Once their listing is approved, it becomes part of the online directory. Website users can choose from several search options when browsing the site.
Responsive Design
All websites by Boomerang Marketing are responsive and mobile friendly.