WordPress Training
Editing a website can be intimidating and time-consuming. With the launch off all new websites, we include 2-hours of one-on-one training.
You don’t have to use us to build a site in order to take advantage of training. Our team offers training on WordPress websites via Zoom meetings which allows the option of recording for future reference. This is a great option if your organization has a new team member, volunteer taking over the site or additional staff that need access.
Here’s a snapshot of some of the things we cover in training:
- Basics of WordPress
- Adding blog posts, editing, scheduling
- Adding new pages, considerations on page layouts
- Editing pages, hiding content, dynamic layouts, etc.
- Using WP Bakery Page builder
- How to add videos and media files
- Alt Tags, SEO for pages
- Events, job boards, and more…
- Adding/deleting users
- Plugin maintenance and backups
- Tips for keeping content fresh
- We can also train on unique features built for your website

Content Edits
Many of our clients turn to us for updates because they don’t have a dedicated staff person, someone is out of the office or for efficiency, find it easier to send the changes and have us knock them out. We can help. We make it easy! Send us an email or submit a support request {link to that page} with the changes, any images you have and we’ll send a draft link for your review/approval.
Do you have a lot of catching up to do? We can provide an estimate before getting started.

Monthly Maintenance
1,628 new WordPress related-vulnerabilities were disclosed in 2021. 97% of these vulnerabilities were in WordPress plugins.
39% of hacked WordPress websites were using an outdated version of the software. Our maintenance plans are designed to keep your site secure and up-to-date. Each month you’ll receive a full PDF report of updates completed and recommendations on site health.
Choose from one of two plans or reach out when your website needs updates. Check out our maintenance plan below.
Outdated Software
Plugin Vulnerabilities
WordPress Maintenance Plans
Pay As You Go Support*
$140 per hour
Peace of mind in knowing that when you need support, we are here.
- Theme and plugin installs
- Broken sites/functions
- Adding new features
- Add/edit content
- Website migrations
Keep It Current Plan*
$379 per month
Same Day Support
(Excludes major programming or host issues)
- 2 hours towards content updates or technical support per month
- Monthly updates of plugins
- Test plugins for compatibility and replace plugins that conflict
- Update WordPress as versions are released
- Update theme with latest version (if non-custom theme)
- Spam comment monitoring and removal
- Google Analytics Evaluation – We interpret your monthly stats in an easy to understand format with recommendations and action steps
- Up-time monitoring
Lockdown Plan*
$149 per month
Protecting your website starts with keeping your site updated
- Monthly updates of plugins
- Test plugins for compatibility and replace plugins that conflict
- Update WordPress as versions are released
- Update theme files with latest version (if non-custom theme)
- Up-time monitoring
We now offer website hosting
*For sites that use a third party theme: Theme updates are the sole responsibility of the original theme developer. Developers are not under obligation to update and or fix their theme should an issue arise. As a result, it may require that Boomerang Marketing manually repair a broken theme. The cost to do so is not covered by a monthly maintenance program, however, we can provide an estimate for approval should a situation arise.