It’s a Monday morning and your postal carrier just delivered a box with your name on it. You wonder what could be inside. You tear into the box and find something cool and a letter. Puzzled at where it came from you start to read the letter. Jackpot! The person who sent you this box knew it would peak your interest. What you’ve just experienced is called dimensional mailing.
In a recent report released by the Direct Marketing Association, campaigns which utilized dimensional mailing received a 5.28% HIGHER response rate! Are you one of the businesses cashing in on the higher rates? If not, here are a few ideas to get you thinking about dimensional mailing.
First, let’s touch on why dimensional mailings work. A box or bulky package helps to get your message past the gatekeepers, and are rarely discarded as “junk mail.” Half the battle of sending a letter or postcard is getting it to the intended person. Another reason dimension mailing works is it’s different. Think about your mail, it’s the same thing day in and day out – a few postcards here a letter or two there – no big excitement. When cleverly created, dimensional mailers scream open me.
The biggest challenge is calming the fire in your belly and deciding what to put inside your box. You can use traditional promotional products, your own product or live a little and have fun with it. Maybe your package will make noise, jump out when opened, play music, flash a message, have moving parts, a series of mailings – think big! Think a moment about the following ideas. How can you tweak them for your company?
:: Look at the sample package put together by IdeaBook with the level. The wrap on the level reads, “SCRUTINY A skilled builder encourages scrutiny. Precisely level floors and plumb walls are an indication that the not-so-obvious details are getting that same type of attention. Are we on the level? Measure for yourself–call Jeanie Example at 987-654-3210 for a copy of our new report–Tool of Thought.” This is a great example of using the tools of your trade.
:: A house cleaner can send a mini dustpan and broom with the line, “We sweep away house work”
:: Software maker Aprimo Inc. sent a boxed mailing to business prospects that included a wooden train with tracks accompanied by literature headline, “Wondering how to keep your organization on the right track?” The trains included the company’s logo and contact info and were an item executive’s would display.
:: Send a sample of your product in a box or even better only send part of it and make the recipient call to redeem the rest.
Your mission this month is to think about a dimensional campaign to be launched soon. Remember, don’t force the ideas. Give yourself and your team permission to have fun and be creative!
If you find yourself struggling for ideas, or you need to find the right promotional product, give us a ring.