With just 31 days left in 2009 it’s a great time to look at the year and evaluate what worked and yes what could use a few tweaks (that’s the nice way of saying “didn’t work”).
Here are a few questions to help with evaluating your marketing in 2009:
1. Be honest here… Did you put forth the effort to market your business this year? If you pause for even a moment then answer no. You’d know it if you did as marketing would have occurred every day.
2. When looking at your top 5 marketing activities for the year, which can you accurately track back to producing a return?
3. Where there missed opportunities in 2009? Would you have attended a trade show “if you were ready”? Did you pass on an ad placement because you didn’t have an ad ready by deadline”?
4. Did you attend networking events in your area, with other professionals, association mixers, etc.?
5. Did you intend to update your website this year (even once) and somehow the days passed by?
6. When looking at your financial reports, do you see an increase in sales for 2009? If not, what is the difference between 2008 & 2009?
7. In 2009, did you actively encourage referrals from your happy clients?
8. Did you “intend” to incorporate social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) to your marketing activities?
Looking back over the questions you just answered, did you do well in 2009 or could have done better to market your products/services?
2010 is just 31 days away – it’s your opportunity to improve. What would help you in 2010 to not miss opportunities, increase your sales and not feel overwhelmed with your marketing?
Share with us both how 2009 was for you AND, what you need for 2010.